Monday, November 1, 2010

Was Radio Really This Laid Back

Scan the AM and even to a point the FM dial today and you probably won't find a station positioning themselves as a station with music to relax to.

This was an advertisement for WBNS radio in February, 1960.

No hot talk. No Howard Stern, Bubba the Love Sponge, Mike and Mike, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz or Randi Rhodes.

Just a fellow by the name of Don Smith hosting an evening music to relax to.

Novel concept?


Johnny Appleseed said...

"Traveling around Ohio exploring the unique, unusual, fun and beautiful" sounds kinda fun! I live in Illinois (which is not all flat and boring), and I like similar activities. My sister is always trying to get me interested in international travel, but I'm like, why try to go see the world and yet miss what's in your own backyard?

BTW, I'm also an easy listening fan. Funny thing, I landed at your blog while searching for "Chuck Harder," and found the post about him from a few years back. PRN/UBN used to air on a suburban Chicago station, but after the UBN was sabotaged, the local owners sold the station to Disney, which promptly put on a "Timeless Favorites" format. It was good music, but regrettably, was not as good as "For the People."

My new blog on polytricks, privilege, and what happened to the voice of the People: check it out.

Johnny Appleseed said...

I dunno, that link looked funny so I'll try it again. I may do a mirror site on Blogger.