Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Joseph Sangl is FIRED UP!

I've been reading a blog by a gentleman by the name of Joseph Sangl. I really enjoy reading it. And I've learned some little insights and. for lack of a better word, tricks to assist me on my financial journey.

I bumped into Joe's blog sometime last summer or fall while doing a search on financial guru Dave Ramsey. While doing my Google search, I found a link that said something like I Want to Meet with Dave Ramsey. I followed the link and found Joe's blog.

Now Joe wrote on his blog he wanted to meet Dave Ramsey in person. Guess what. He set the goal, announced it to the world, did the steps necessary to make it happen and he met Dave one afternoon in Dave's radio studio.

Joe, like me is into financial responsibility. Unlike me, Joe has made this his own personal evangelistic outreach. He quit his job to make his livelihood. As he likes to say and write, he's FIRED UP. And I must agree.

I've never seen, read or heard anyone as passionate about this mission and message (or as Joe says crusade) as Joe. You can see his story at this link.
Go to the 18:50 mark if you're not interested in hearing the music and seeing only Joe.

Through the years, I've had heros. Joe has quickly become one.

I hope you enjoyed his video. More than that, I hope he inspired you to take the first steps to believing that there is financial hope in your future.


Anonymous said...

THIS MAKES ME WANT TO CRY!!! Thanks so much for the kind words!!!

I LOVE seeing people becoming financially free so that they can go do EXACTLY what they have been put on earth to do!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.